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Steam statistics for Mopoliti formerly MisteriosM

as of 6.02.2025, composed by steam-tools.net

Mopoliti formerly MisteriosM Profile Avatar


Joined Steam on


Steam level


Data last updated


Games registered


Games played


Games not played

You only played 16.74% of the games you ever bought.

You still have about 37,737.49 h of unplayed games in your library.

In other words you should not be required to buy any more games until

December 25th, 2099

But until then you will most likely have already bought 7843 new games...

7587.38 h

Total playtime

28.74 h

Playtime per game


Days spend on each game

Time since joining steam

Time spent gaming on STeam >A pie chart of how much of your Lifetime you spent with a steam Game running

Since you created your account
131,978 h have passed.

Based on your Playtime you spent
5.75 % of your time gaming on Steam.

Thats 1.38 h each Day. While on average you spend only 1,1 h a day eating.

Total playtime

429.77 h

The Banner of the game you played most Most played Game A pie chart of how much of your playtime was spend in the most played game


Rarest achievement

The icon of the most valuable achievement on steam you have
Altitude Adjustment

Spend 120 seconds using Hydrogen, Spend 120 seconds using Chute Vent

unlocked 21.09.2013 11:43 in 'Guns of Icarus Online'

Oldest achievement

The icon of the oldest unlocked achievement on steam you have
Founding Father

Take one region by conquest, somewhere in the world.

unlocked 18.01.2010 15:56 in 'Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition'

Newest achievement

The icon of the most recently unlocked achievement on steam you have
We Need Your Assistance

Finished the third practice challenge

unlocked 12.01.2025 13:20 in 'Offworld Trading Company'

Most worthless achievement

The icon of the most common achievement on steam you have
Driver's License

Complete the tutorial.

unlocked 25.07.2021 19:35 in 'Mini Motorways'

Achievements unlocked per week in the last 6 months

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Total achievements


Achievements per day


Achievements per game


minutes playtime per achievement

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